We managed to publish two pieces just now before their scheduled time, and before the editorial process was complete. We've pulled them down with the goal of restoring the expected schedule of things. Below you can see what we mean to do next. Thanks for understanding: there will be inevitable bumps in the system as we transition to new management.
—D. Kern Holoman
—Drew Massey
c. 23 September: Bernard Jacobson: “Criticizing Your Friends”
c. 25 September: Bonnie Gordon: “That Debate” [Kerman/Lowinsky]
c. 27 September: Jessie Ann Owens: “A Letter from Florence”
c. 29 September: Bryan Proksch: “Curators in the Musical Museum: The Case of Haydn”
c. 30 September: D. Kern Holoman: “The Broad” [new art museum in Los Angeles]
—D. Kern Holoman
—Drew Massey
c. 23 September: Bernard Jacobson: “Criticizing Your Friends”
c. 25 September: Bonnie Gordon: “That Debate” [Kerman/Lowinsky]
c. 27 September: Jessie Ann Owens: “A Letter from Florence”
c. 29 September: Bryan Proksch: “Curators in the Musical Museum: The Case of Haydn”
c. 30 September: D. Kern Holoman: “The Broad” [new art museum in Los Angeles]